Why am i gay yahoo answers

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It was one of those epic parenting moments the handbook definitely does not cover. He took a bite of chicken and announced, in his matter-of-fact way, “I hope you know I’m gay.” That was the moment our seven-year-old son came out.

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With these two, it’s always a bit of a one-sided Ping-Pong match: I lob a question over the net, and they spike incredibly succinct answers right past me.Īfter a few such attempts, I just gave up. My husband, my son and I were sitting around the dining room table and, like usual, I was trying my hardest to draw out some juicy details about their day. The best example-to date, at least-happened on a regular weekday evening. And yet, despite years of experience, I’m still floored by my quiet, thoughtful and incredibly self-possessed son. Being a parent is an exercise in expecting the unexpected.

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