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'She's too young!': Love Island fans call for a higher minimum age on the ITV dating show as they express shock over Gemma Owen revealing she is 19 two months after revealing he is suffering from aphasiaĮmma Raducanu RETIRES just 33 minutes into first match since last year's Wimbledon, after champion struggled with abdominal injury

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Scott Disick's rumored love interest Holly Scarfone looks just like Kylie Jenner while frolicking around in tiny thong bikini on Malibu beachīruce Willis goes out for ice cream with his best friend of 30 years Stephen Eads. Megan Fox flaunts her figure in a mirrored bralette and dress before flashing her legs in an orange trench as she showcases her Boohoo collectionĮmily Ratajkowski showcases her figure in a giraffe print string bikini as she celebrates turning 31 in Tulum: 'Burnt n happy birthday girl' Olly Murs is ENGAGED! Singer proposes to bodybuilder girlfriend Amelia Tank on romantic beach break Kanye West and Chaney Jones SPLIT! Rapper and Kim Kardashian lookalike part ways.

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